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AgriWellness, Inc.


Building hope and health in the rural agricultural community.      


Navigating the Currents of Change &

The Clock is Ticking for Rural America

June 22-25, 2011

Grand Harbor Hotel & Grand River Conference


For more information

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AgriWellness, Inc., a nonprofit corporation, was founded in 2001.  The AgriWellness mission: promote accessible behavioral health services for underserved and at-risk populations affected by rural crisis in agricultural communities.

Agricultural work is very stressful, unpredictable and dangerous for the entire family.  Agricultural workers, including farmers, ranchers, migrant/seasonal workers, fishers, foresters, their families and communities dependent upon agriculture, often find it difficult to obtain behavioral health care they need to deal with these perils.  Behavioral health services such as addictions treatment, mental health therapy and marital and family counseling are often scarce in rural areas.

AgriWellness, Inc., works to address the behavioral health care needs of agricultural populations and communities and to provide education about these needs.  For more information:

about available trainings click here

To contact us:


AgriWellness, Inc. 1210 7th St., Ste. C, Harlan, IA 51537

(712) 235-6100

Email Us


Any contribution you make to AgriWellness is completely tax deductible.  Unless specified otherwise, we will acknowledge all donations in writing.  To donate now, click here.

2005 AgriWellness, Inc. 1210 7th Street, Suite C, Harlan, IA 51537