our programs
"It is a rule of nature that taking a day off on the farm sets a person back at least a week." ---Jane Hamilton
Voice for Agricultural Behavioral
Health: AgriWellness is the leading national voice for agricultural behavioral health. We provide media personnel, researchers, providers and others with up to date information and statistical data about this field. Farm & Ranch Stress Assistance Network: AgriWellness, Inc. is the lead voice for the Farm & Ranch Stress Assistance Network (FRSAN) which has been authorized by Congress and included in the 2008 Farm Bill. The FRSAN, if funded, would provide for free, confidential behavioral health services to the farm population including 24/7 crisis and informational hotlines, vouchers for ongoing behavioral health therapies, support groups and educational services. Sowing the Seeds of Hope (1999 - 2010): A seven-state program that provided behavioral health care services to the agricultural population.